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Inheritance Funding for Heirs of Estates in Maine

Inheritance Funding for Heirs of Estates in Maine: Frequently referred to as “Inheritance Loans from Inheritance Lenders”

“How can I tell if I’ll be Approved to Borrow Against Inheritance?”

Receiving a portion of one’s inheritance now, rather than months or even years from now, from what many heirs call “probate lending – from inheritance lenders”,  is a process that is allowed in all 16 counties in Maine.  If you provide everything requested by your inheritance funding company (what many heirs call your inheritance loan company, or inheritance lenders, even though we’re talking about cash assignments not loans) – on time and without delays or problems finding estate documents…  everything should go well with your approval.  This includes all estate and probate documents your inheritance funding specialist asks you for to accommodate your inheritance cash out needs – plus have a Maine photo ID to prove you are over  the age of 18; and as long as you can produce estate and probate documents  that prove you are a valid heir of the estate and can furnish the inventory documentation that establishes the amount of cash, assets and property in the estate you are an heir to; and that the estate assets are based inside the USA; plus documentation that verifies your share of those assets are valued at $15,000 or more – it’s likely you will be approved for your inheritance advance or probate advance, which you may call your inheritance loan or probate loan, funded by the inheritance funding company in the 72-hour range.

Researching: Inheritance Funding & Inheritance Funding Companies

If you are researching the Probate Advance or Inheritance Advance process, and wish to educate yourself about the Inheritance Funding process, how a standard Inheritance Advance Company functions…  And to discover how Inheritance Lenders compute Probate Advance Rates, or what many heirs call “Inheritance Loan Fees for Inheritance Loans or Probate Loans” from an “Inheritance Loan Company” as heirs say.  Plus better understand the pricing formulas Inheritance Cash Advance Companies use to charge Probate Advance Rates or, as many heirs call it “Inheritance Loan Fees” – you can, as many heirs do, conduct research on the Inheritance Funding process at,  with the following search terms (below), to find sites that deal with Inheritance Financing issues as well as specific Inheritance Advance Companies or Probate Lending firms that make it possible for heirs and beneficiaries to Borrow Against Inheritance  to  get an affordable, speedy  Inheritance Advance or Inheritance Cash Out funds from an “Inheritance Loan Company”, as many heirs refer to it.  In fact, “loan” oriented search terms are also included in the search term list below, due to the popularity of these search terms with heirs and beneficiaries.

Wills & Estates in the State of Maine

A Will is a legal document that states who you want to get your money and your property when you die. In Maine, anyone aged 18 or older who is of sound mind can make a Will. When you write your Will, you list all your assets and personal property, real property, investment accounts and cash accounts, that you wish to leave to your heirs or beneficiaries.  Your Personal Representative (PR);  Executor (male) or Executrix (female) – manages the Will to carry out the decedent’s wishes for his or her assets and property.  If you do not have a Will your estate will be referred to as an “intestate” estate – and Maine state law will determine who receives your property and liquid assets after you pass away.

Probate in Maine

The probate court insures all assets are distributed properly, and that there is no fraud being enacted., as well as making sure that all documents are in order, and filed correctly, and that the Will is followed precisely. Probate Courts have jurisdiction over estates and trusts, adoptions and name changes, guardianship, and protective proceedings. These are 16 courts, they use no juries, and have 16 probate judges overseeing 16 Maine counties. Probate Court is not under the state court system, it is under county jurisdiction. The Probate Court system in Maine handles all formal and informal estates; guardianships for adults and minors; conservatorships, legal name changes; and legal adoptions.

County Registers of Probate in the State of Maine

  • Androscoggin County – (207) 753-2500
  • Aroostook County – (207) 532-1502
  • Cumberland County – (207) 871-8382
  • Franklin County – (207) 778-5888
  • Hancock County – (207) 667-8434
  • Kennebec County – (207) 622-7558
  • Knox County – (207) 594-0427
  • Lincoln County – (207) 882-7392
  • Oxford County – (207) 743-6671
  • Penobscot County – (207) 942-8769
  • Piscataquis County – (207) 564-2431
  • Sagadahoc County – (207) 443-8218
  • Somerset County – (207) 474-3322
  • Waldo County – (207) 338-2780
  • Washington County – (207) 255-6591
  •  York County – (207) 324-1577

Click Here for Maine Inheritance Advance Funding, and an Inheritance Advance Specialist