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Options for an Immediate Estate Loan

There are a lot of legal terms used in managing all aspects of the estate of a loved one after death. This includes the often complicated process of probate, which is a validation of the will through the court system. This includes the gathering of information by the executor of the Will (the person named to be in charge) as well as an inventory and appraisal of the estate, locating assets, notifying creditors, paying off any debts owed by the deceased, filing required tax returns, and distributing the estate to heirs.

This process can take a few months to a few years, depending on the complexity of the estate and whether the will is contested. It can also become bogged down if there are foreign assets or complicated investments, or if the deceased was part of a company or business, or if other potential heirs come forward.

To get money from the estate (i.e., assets of the deceased after debts are paid), heirs may have to wait several years in a complex or estate probate process. At My Inheritance Cash, we offer immediate estate loan options to advance up to 1/3 of the amount of your inheritance when you require the funds.

An Advance and Not a Loan

While you will hear the term estate loan, it is really an estate cash advance. Unlike a loan, there is a flat fee for the service, meaning the person obtaining the cash advance never has to make payments or pay any interest!

In other words, when you receive an estate loan from My Inheritance Cash, the funds are yours, and you can spend them how you choose. To learn more, call us at (877) 638-7760 or apply online for a probate cash advance.