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Inheritance Loans vs. Inheritance Funding for South Dakota      

If you are applying for an advance on inheritance, it is important to understand that inheritance financing in South Dakota is called Inheritance Funding… non-interest Inheritance Advance or Probate Advance Assignments, with no credit or income qualifications needed – that many heirs and beneficiaries call Inheritance Loans or Probate Loans.  It is basically due to the popularity of the “loan” terminology that so many people refer to these cash advance assignments as “loans”, in fact will call themselves “an inheritance loan company” or one of the top “inheritance lenders” or “probate lenders” – even though they are not technically providing actual “loans”…  there is no compounding interest inflating the cost, in fact, no interest at all… and no credit report or credit score is required to apply, nor are heirs and beneficiaries liable personally to pay off the funds they have received from an inheritance funding company.

Estate Planning in South Dakota

Estate planning is a good way of protecting your assets, real property, personal property, and liquid assets, as well as protecting yourself in your later years should you become incapable of making accurate health decisions.  You can write a Will or Living Will that will make these decisions for you when you’re not around – as well as Power of Attorney.

Probate in South Dakota

Probate is the process, after death, that transfers cash and other assets, and real property, often when there is no will, to your heirs.   If there is a will, this helps speed up the probate process as the decedent’s wishes and instructions are all stated in the will. For people who pass away without a will, standard probate law provides a way to distribute a decedent’s assets and property, which is called an intestate estate.  A probate court usually appoints a personal representative to administer the estate and distribute the property, pay creditors and taxes. If there is a will, certain taxes have to be be paid to the state before the estate can be closed. Administrative costs, court costs, and attorney fees are also paid by the estate.

Click Here for a South Dakota Inheritance Advance and Inheritance Funding Manager