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Utah Inheritance Funding vs. Inheritance Loans for Heirs

If you are an heir of an estate in probate in Utah, or a beneficiary of a trust, and are researching online to find estate advance,  probate advance or inheritance advance financing, which many people call inheritance loans, estate loans or probate loans… With My Inheritance Cash, for example, you will probably want to find out how pricing works, and how fast you can get your inheritance advance, what documents you will need, and what your Agreement looks like with the inheritance funding company – in this case, My Inheritance Cash –  that will be funding your cash advance assignment, which you may also be called an inheritance loan,  an estate loan or  probate loan – however  it is a cash advance not a loan, but that’s OK… you can call it anything you like – the end result is the same, you walk away with a 100% interest-free cash advance assignment from $3,000 to $100,000 that you won’t have to pay monthly payments on, just one lump sum payment when probate is over with.  You won’t need a credit report or score either, and no one will be asking you questions about your employment history or your financial status. Not only that, you’ll be walking away with your inheritance advance money in just a few days after being approved.  What you may be calling inheritance loan or probate loan fees or rates – you probably want to figure out how much inheritance cash advance companies, or what you might be referring to as inheritance lenders, or an inheritance loan company, will charge you for your advance inheritance cash.  My Inheritance Cash, unlike some inheritance funding companies, will tell you exactly what your fees will be upfront, generally within 24 hours, or even during your first call to the inheritance funding company.

Estate Planning in the State of Utah 

What Is a Will?

A will is a legal document that spells out who you want your assets and real estate to go to after you pass away, and how much each heir is to receive… By implementing a valid will, your estate will have exact instructions as to who will receive what and how much.  In Utah, you need two witnesses, who witness you’re signing the will, and who also sign.

Passing Away Without a Will

Should you die intestate – without a will – your property will be distributed according to Utah law, which may not be what you would wish for your heirs and loved ones.  The state says if you are unmarried with no children, your property will pass to your parents, or if you have no surviving parent, to your brothers and sisters. If you are unmarried with children, your property will pass in equal shares to your children. The court will appoint a guardian to handle the financial affairs of any child under 18.  If, on the other hand, you are married with no children, your property will pass to your surviving spouse. This is also true if all your children are the biological children of both of you. If you are married but have children who are the child of one but not the other spouse, the property will be divided: one-half to the surviving spouse and the other half in equal shares to children of the deceased.

What Is Probate in Utah?

Probate is the legal process to determine the validity of a will, to guard against any fraud, to decide how property should be distributed to heirs and/or beneficiaries, to manage the decedent’s bills and taxes, and care for minors and their inheritance assets.  Not all property is subject to probate, such as property held in joint tenancy with right of survivorship; property held in a trust; life insurance or retirement assets such as IRAs or CDs and pensions payable to a beneficiary; payable-on-death checking and savings accounts (POD)  are all non-probate assets or property. There are three forms of probate administration: informal proceedings, formal proceedings, and a small estate summary procedure.  An estate may be opened informally and closed formally, opened formally and closed informally or any combination of the above probate types.

 Click Here for a Utah Inheritance Advance and Inheritance Funding Manager